10 New Year’s Resolutions for Learning English

It is hard to believe but we have almost reached the end of another year, and that can only mean…

It is hard to believe but we have almost reached the end of another year, and that can only mean one thing: it is time to reflect and set some goals for the year to come. Indeed, it is a tradition in the UK to make a list of New Year s resolutions, which are about being better people and doing better in life. Typical promises include going to the gym, finding love, quitting smoking, being more charitable, getting a new job, spending more time with loved ones and learning or improving a foreign language. Of course, these resolutions can be difficult to put into practice and are often long forgotten by the end of January. Here at SGI, we understand how challenging language goals can be and we have therefore created a New Year resolution selector to help you on your way to a successful year of developing your knowledge and abilities in English. All you need to do is select the most appropriate option (a, b or c) for you from each row to generate your ten resolutions. Here we go:

In 2019, I will




























listening to a variety of English accents




keeping a list of all my spelling mistakes










a learning journal











saying that I don t speak English or my English isn t good







relying on my dictionary too much




doing my homework five minutes before your lessons











that learning a language is a process that takes time and effort







to listen to and ask for feedback from my teacher







that there isn t one correct accent in English











doing something in English for 10 minutes every day




new vocabulary as much as possible to commit it to my long-term memory




translating a text from English into my first language and vice versa














using at least five new items of vocabulary every week







online English classes




to learn the phonemic script











a list of my common grammar errors and cross them off as I master them







a recording of my speaking to analyse




an effort to use a wide pitch range as this will improve my intonation











a grammar reference book/website I like and can use regularly




a friend who is also learning English and support each other s journey




time to read in English for pleasure











time to check my writing for mistakes




a look at my previous work in English and evaluate my progress







regular breaks while studying











plenty of pronunciation practice




consider the role of body language and facial expressions in my interactions




regular speaking practice with a teacher or English-speaking friend











reflecting on my progress




listening to songs in English










learning some slang and idiomatic expressions






Download [In 2019, I will ] in pdf format



London New Year Week Course

After many successful years, SGI London will again be running the New Year Week Course (27/12/2018 - 31/12/2018), an ideal programme for those busy students who want to use their holiday time over the Christmas period to both study English and also experience the festive spirit in London with SGI s teacher-led visits and events.


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