In all of our learning English articles, we always show our students real English that is used every day in England: vocabulary, phrases, and grammar that you can use immediately on your trip to London, so that you sound like you live here.
Today's 8 questions are all authentic sentences that were printed in yesterday's broadsheet newspaper, The Daily Telegraph.
This is 'quality journalism' with a high standard of English, rather than the intermediate level of English that you might find in the tabloids (sometimes called 'the gutter press' or the 'red tops').
So, in these sentences you will find some advanced vocabulary and colloquial sayings that you may not have encountered before.
Best of British (meaning: good luck) with the newspaper sentences quiz below.
20 Day English Challenge Quizzes
Day 1: Spelling difficult words CLICK HERE
Day 2: Perfect email sentences CLICK HERE
Day 3: Unusual vocabulary CLICK HERE
Day 4: In vs On vs At English prepositions CLICK HERE
Day 5: Advanced Phrasal Verbs test CLICK HERE
Day 6: Upper Intermediate Idioms quiz CLICK HERE
Day 7: Upper Intermediate Modal Verbs test CLICK HERE
Day 8: Business English vocabulary (Upper Int) CLICK HERE
Day 9: English Grammar 50/50 Quiz CLICK HERE
Day 10: Present Perfect vs Past Simple grammar test CLICK HERE
Day 11: Choose the right word English comprehension quiz CLICK HERE
Day 12: Improve your Advanced Vocabulary CLICK HERE
Day 13: More Advanced Vocabulary CLICK HERE
Day 14: Vocabulary to pass Advanced Exams CLICK HERE
Day 15: Newspaper English language quiz CLICK HERE