Modal verbs are super common in English.
They appear so frequently that learners begin using them in even the first ever English classes they study in.
Can, will, must, could etc are the 'helping verbs' (also called auxiliary verbs) used in millions of sentences.
Let's look briefly at the basic meanings of these auxiliary modal verbs...
CAN = something is possible, or it is allowed, or someone has the ability to do something
COULD = the past of 'can', used for actions which are not realistic, or something is possible in the future
COULD HAVE = to talk about the past
MUST = used to say that something is certain, to give your own opinion (must can NOT be used in the past - the past of must is 'HAD TO')
HAVE TO = something is necessary to do
MAY = something is a possibility
MIGHT = something is a possibility
NEED = something is necessary to do
SHOULD = it is a good thing or correct thing to do, give advice or an opinion
WOULD = to imagine situations,
However, in today's challenge we will look at an intermediate or upper intermediate usage of modals, so this will test your knowledge.
Best of luck luck with today's challenge of modal verbs.
20 Day English Challenge Quizzes
Day 1: Spelling difficult words CLICK HERE
Day 2: Perfect email sentences CLICK HERE
Day 3: Unusual vocabulary CLICK HERE
Day 4: In vs On vs At English prepositions CLICK HERE
Day 5: Advanced Phrasal Verbs test CLICK HERE
Day 6: Upper Intermediate Idioms quiz CLICK HERE