Advanced Business English test

Test your grammar with our latest multiple choice quiz with immediate answers and results. This week we've got an Advanced…

Test your grammar with our latest multiple choice quiz with immediate answers and results. This week we've got an Advanced Business English test for you to scrutinise your high-level grammar knowledge. Unless you are CEFR Language Level B2 or above, then you may have difficulties with the grammar and the language in this English test. The focus is also on Business English vocabulary, so unless you are involved in that world, it won't be super easy to complete this test.

Try out some of our other vocabulary and grammar tests if this is too hard.

Are your colleagues/clients laughing at your terrible English skills?

Are your colleagues/clients laughing at your terrible English skills?

Advanced Business English test

There is only ONE correct answer for each question. As soon as you click on an option you will find out if it is correct or not... so choose your answer correctly to get a good final test result with a high mark.

You may also like....

1. Advanced Business English Vocabulary Test

2. Business English Idioms Test

3. Advanced English Test (C1-C2 CEFR Level)

4. The SGI full online English grammar test

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