October 2017
You need to write 3-4 paragraphs and 150 words. If you don t, you will be penalized.In the initial paragraph, you need to paraphrase the question. Start the paraphrase with…
October 2017
Most students that take the IELTS test find that the writing exam is the most difficult task.This difficulty is probably due to the fact that when people learn English…
Here is an IELTS Speaking Sample Answer from the first part of the IELTS test: "The interview". In Part 1, the examiner asks the candidate questions about him/herself, his/her…
October 2017
In the writing section of the Cambridge Advanced English exam (CAE) students often have to choose between writing out a proposal or a report.They are similar in structure, style…
IELTS and Business English students often ask us teachers the same old question: How can I describe a graph in English? It's a common problem and it is an essential…
This is the first of three articles about the IELTS speaking Exam. You can find tips here for IELTS Part 1: The Interview. Look out for more posts coming soon about…
February 2017
Do you need to improve your IELTS band score?When studying for your IELTS Speaking test, it's really important to improve your exam technique to be able to get the…
December 2015
The essay for Task 2 of the IELTS writing exam is something that a lot of students are afraid of.You must write about 250 words and this should be completed in…
December 2015
IELTS teachers are always saying to their students that they should use high level grammar to improve their IELTS band score.So, what do these teachers mean by 'high level…
December 2015
IELTS writing task 1 is the question in which you are given information in the form of a table, pie chart, line or bar graph and sometimes a picture of a…