Always trying to improve your English vocabulary is what we try to do here on the SGI Blog and in this article you've got lots of different ways to say 'being pregnant' (highlighted in bold)
The next member of the British Royal Family is on the way. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last week, you will know that Kate Middleton, now officially called The Duchess Of Cambridge Kate Windsor is expecting. The news wasn't such a massive shock because William and Kate were seen drinking only chilled water, not alcohol, on their latest Royal tour raising suspicions that Kate was with child. The news that Kate was definitely having a baby sent the world media into a frenzy, of course. A possible heir to the throne, a future King or Queen no less) is big news! As soon as she was admitted to hospital on Monday suffering from extreme morning sickness (a common and not too serious side-effect of being preggers) reporters and cameras have been camped outside the King Edward VII hospital in London trying to squeeze as much out the Royal pregnancy story as possible. They didn't have to wait long for a twist in the story: the hosts of an Australian radio show rang up the hospital pretending to be Prince Charles so that they could get secret details about the Duchess being up the duff. The news was that she is not even 12 weeks gone, which is the time that couples usually announce that the mother has a bun in the oven. Prince William (also known as The Duke of Cambridge) has visited his wife everyday and it's clear from the grin on his face that he is delighted that Kate is eating for two. Other senior members of the Royal Family including HRH The Queen and Prince Charles have also visited the walking, talking baby factory while she has been in hospital. Yesterday (Thursday), Kate left hospital with her husband by her side. But don't think this is over - this story is going to run and run. Here's people on a news programme in the UK talking about the possible names, the sex of the baby and more. This story will run and run and dominate the headlines over the coming months!
1. Do you think it will be a boy or a girl? 2. What is a good name for a baby prince or princess in 2013?