While writing my blog on happiness last week, I read a lot of articles about being positive and looking on the bright side of life. This was very useful for me, because right now I ve got mountains of work to get through before the summer for my next teaching qualification.
Lots of people who come to SGI for summer school are students going to university and they will all be studying very hard now as well for their upcoming exams in June.
So, if you are a high-flier, who s hungry for success in an exam on the horizon, then read on, because here are shedloads of idioms about success that will inspire you stop at nothing. You can also use these idioms in an oral English exam to improve your grades! Now, everyone hates big periods of studying, so the first thing to tell yourself when you can t be bothered to even make a start is to pull your socks up. You have set your sights on passing the exams, so you may as well just get on with it, or you will get left behind by everyone else who has managed to get the ball rolling. If, like me, you have left it a bit late to do all the work, then you will really have to pull out all the stops. So, get down to business now before it really is too late. Once you get cracking, you ll realise that it s not too bad after all and you ll start gaining in confidence, doing more and more revision and sowing the seeds of success.
Don t be tempted to throw in the towel and when you eventually get past the most of your study, you ll realise that there is light at the end of the tunnel and the end is in sight. What a great feeling! Come on! You ve got nothing to lose. If you do the work that you know you ve got to do, then it will be all right on the night. Once you ve got through these exams, the sky s the limit! So, fingers crossed for anyone who s working towards exams this summer including me!
Idioms about Success
- Look on the bright side
- be positive
- High-flier
- sb who has the potential to do very well in education or business
- Hungry for success
- sb who is ambitious
- Stop at nothing
- will do anything for success
- Pull your socks up
- make an effort to improve your behaviour or work because it is not good enough
- Set your sights on sth
- to decide to do sth successfully
- Don t get left behind
- Pull out all the stops do everything you possibly can to achieve sth
- Sow the seeds for success
- do things/actions that are known to be positive and will help you
- There s light at the end of the tunnel
- positive feeling because you are near the end of a difficult period or job
- The end is in sight
- near the end of a difficult period or job
- It ll be all right on the night
- up to standard or good enough whe you are tested on sth
- You ve got nothing to lose
- you should take a risk because things can t get any worse
- The sky s the limit
- you can achieve anything
- Fingers crossed
- good luck
Idioms about Stopping and Starting
- Throw in the towel
- stopping and admitting you are defeated
- Get the ball rolling
- start
- Get down to business
- start
- Get cracking
- start