Here is part 2 of a list of words that you can use in the IELTS exam to impress the examiner and boost your IELTS band score.
For IELTS Essential Words Part 1 (with vocabulary from A to L) please click here.
It is important in the IELTS exam that you do not only use basic language. You have to prove to your examiner that you have an upper intermediate to advanced vocabulary that you are able to correctly use in different contexts.
We have chosen words below that can be used in all kinds of different situations. Read the examples for each word and if you really want to do some effective learning to help you in your IELTS study, then you should write out another example sentence for yourself.
Doing this 'sentence-writing' activity will help store the word in your long-term memory... so that you can remember it when you need it during the IELTS exam!
(verb) - to reduce to the smallest possible amount
Example: The aim of the government's policy is to minimise the number of alcohol-related deaths each year.
(noun) - usual, typical, standard or rule
Example: Before the global economic crisis, it had become the norm for banks to lend mortgages who could not realistically afford to pay them.
(noun) - result, consequence, the way something turns out
Example: The community coming together to clean up their district was an unexpected outcome of the riots.
(adjective) - continuing to happen over a long period
Example: The persistent graffiti and vandalism resulted in the local council installing CCTV in the main high street
(noun) - a limited or fixed number of something
Example: The removal of entry quotas meant that more overseas students applied to UK universities last year.
(verb) - to strengthen,
Example: It is important to reinforce the fact that clean, on-time bus services are an essential part of a public transport system becoming popular.
(adjective) - important, worthy of attention
Example: There has been a significant increase in the number of children bringing lunch boxes to school since 2012.
(noun) - general direction in which something is changing
Example: The graph shows a clear upward trend in the temperature of the earth in the last 100 years.
(verb) - to emphasize something
Example: The rise in global temperature underlines the fact that human behaviour is damaging to the environment.
(adjective) - legally acceptable
Example: Student visas are usually valid for 9 months, but mine was extended to 18 months due to my further studies.
(adjective) - distributed over a large number of people
Example: The current official measures from the World Health Organisation are aimed at stopping the spread of the ebola virus from becoming widespread across Europe.
(verb) - to fluctuate, to move up and down
Example: The Facebook share price has yoyoed considerably since launch showing that investors are unsure about the inherent value of the company.
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This is excellent preparation for the real IELTS test because each student:
- gets real practice with the exact type of questions that you will face in the real IELTS exam
- gets practice with the time limits of the IELTS test and you realise how quickly you have to work
- understands how much more they have to improve to get the IELTS band score that they want
- becomes less stressed about 'sitting an exam' because doing an IELTS exam becomes a habit