IELTS Speaking: Two-Way Discussion sample answers

In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test you need to talk about a topic with the examiner for 4-5 minutes.…

In part 3 of the IELTS speaking test you need to talk about a topic with the examiner for 4-5 minutes. During this time you will be asked various questions to help develop the conversation. (You can find more tips, advice and sample answers about the Two Way Discussion here).

Here are some sample questions and answers:

Q1: Let s consider first of all why people write books. What do you think makes people want to write a book?

A1: In my opinion, there are many reasons why people decide to write a book. Some people have an important story to tell and that s why they write their own autobiography. For instance, I recently read Richard Branson s and it was fascinating. Writers of fiction, on the other hand, may just enjoy writing. Look at Stephen King, he has written countless books and shows no sign of stopping. People like him seem to have a real passion for writing.

Q2: What qualities does a writer need?

A2: Well, being a professional writer is a tough job and the whole creative process of planning, writing and redrafting a book can take years. So, I guess that dedication and self-discipline are prerequisites for any aspiring or established writing. I also believe that being able to connect with readers is essential.

Q3: So, do you think anyone could write a book?

A3: Not really. People say that everyone has a book in them but I doubt if we could all write one. Take my father for instance, he has had an extremely interesting life which would make a fascinating story but I really doubt that he could write a book about it. Writing is a skill and not everyone has it. Also, people who are good at telling stories to friends etc might not have the patience you need to write a book, as I said before.

Q4: In your opinion, is writing a good career choice then?

There are many famous authors like Stephen King who has written books for decades and J K Rowling who created Harry Potter. They have had amazing careers and have also made a lot of money in the process. Nevertheless, for every Stephen King there are probably a 10,000 failed writers and even some of his books have not been well received. It's a tough industry because so many people want to become writers and so it's extremely difficult to write something original and even then it's not guaranteed to sell.

Here are some useful phrases from the sample which you can use to answer the same questions.

In my opinion, there are many reasons why people decide to write a book

Some people have an important story to tell

For instance, I recently read and it was fascinating.

Writers of fiction, on the other hand, may just enjoy writing.

Look at he/she has written countless books and shows no sign of stopping.

People like him/her seem to have a real passion for writing.

Being a professional writer is a tough job.

The whole creative process of planning, writing and redrafting a book can take years.

I guess that dedication and self-discipline are prerequisites for any aspiring or established writing.

I also believe that being able to connect with readers is essential.

People say that everyone has a book in them but I doubt if we could all write one.

Writing is a skill and not everyone has it.

There are many famous writers like...who has/have..

Some of his/her books have not been well received.
It's a tough industry because...

Now, make some of your own sentences about writing books and write them in the comments box below. Here are some more practice questions. Leave your answers in the comments box and a teacher will mark them for you!

  1. What kinds of books are popular nowadays?
  2. Why do people like reading books?
  3. How do you feel about electronic books?
  4. Do you think people read more or less now compared to before?
  5. How important is reading?
  6. How can we encourage more reading in society?

You can find more sample questions and answers for the Two-way Discussion here.

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