Students love to learn English idioms, I think, because it is an advanced form of the language and if you can use an idiom correctly then it can make you feel like 'an insider' and more like a native English speaker. So, for this Fun Friday, have a look at some amazing street art photos below (there are more photos here). I have added an idiomatic phrase to each picture for you 'to learn English without really studying' (which is the aim of Fun Friday posts).
It's like learning to ride a bike
It's not my cup of tea
I'll love you and leave you
You can thank your lucky stars
Sweep it under the carpet
Use the force
This is not a classic idiom that you will find in an English textbook, but a LOT of people say it. It is the famous line from the Star Wars films. When people say this to each other in real life, it kind of means "Use some different kind of magic power (that does not exist) to be able to do something that is difficult"

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE our other Fun Friday posts, where learning English is super easy Fun Friday 1 Fun Friday 2 Fun Friday 3