Student Review of SGI London English School - Maciej from Poland

What is SGI London English School really like?What do students think about the teachers and the English lessons?What…

What is SGI London English School really like?

What do students think about the teachers and the English lessons?

What is student accommodation like in London?

Is the school really in Central London?

These are the kind of Frequently Asked Questions that the SGI office staff answer on the phone and by email every day. People who are thinking about booking an English course always want to be reassured that they are making the right choice in terms of:

  • Is SGI the best English school in London?
  • Are the teachers and the lessons going to improve my English?
  • Am I choosing the right student accommodation for me?

We hope that all of these questions are answered on our website. However, everyone is busy, aren't they? Not everyone has the time to read through all the information.

But if you have any doubts about whether Saint George International is the best English school in London (and you do not have much time to spare), then this video below is perfect for you!

In the short film, you can hear Maciej from Poland (an ex-SGI student) in a short interview with SGI teacher, Bren.

Maciej talks about...

  • the great standard of teaching
  • the way that SGI cares about each student
  • the inexpensive student accommodation right in the centre of London
  • the benefits of being in London

Maciej and Bren did not plan what was going to be said. It might seem that everything is too good to be true, but SGI always has fantastic student feedback. The vast majority of SGI students have amazing memories of improving the English and a great time in London.

We are sure that when you come to study English in London with us, that you will feel the same way.



If you would like to leave a short review about your time studying English in London with SGI, please CLICK HERE to tell the world what you think.

When you are looking online and trying to choose an English school or course in London, there is a lot of choice, so it helps if you read about other people's experiences to help you decide.

So, it would really help SGI if you would be nice enough to spare 5 minutes of your valuable time to write something about us. A big thank you.

You could write about anything. Here are some ideas what to write about:

  • The English teachers
  • The new people you met from around the world
  • What you did in the English lessons
  • The school's social programme events around London
  • The things you did around London in your free time, like SHOPPING! 😊


Another way that ex-sGI students could give their opinion is to do a skype interview where you give your review of the school.

If you would like to do this, then please contact teacher, Bren HERE.

Thank you.

If you have any question about an English course, call our office staff and they will be glad to help you

Call +44 (0) 207 299 1700

Currently, the people in our office can answer your questions in Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Slovenian, Japanese and Cantonese... and English, of course! 😊

If you would like to email a question, then please CLICK HERE

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