Don't forget to enter our "Win free IELTS textbooks" competition this month. You can win IELTS Speaking and IELTS Listening self-study textbooks from Harper Collins by answering 2 easy questions. BY listening to this IELTS sample answer (below) of Part 2: The Long Turn from a student at the beginning of her IELTS course, we hope to show you what you can do to improve your IELTS Band Score for the speaking test.
IELTS Speaking PART 2: The Long Turn
In part 2 you have 1 minute to read a task card, prepare and make notes. Remember you get a piece of paper and a pencil but the notes are only for you. You don t have to write anything if you don t want to but it does help to plan your talk. You can then refer to your notes when speaking. Sample question Describe a useful website you have visited. Say: What the website was. How you found the address. What the website contained. Explain why it was useful.
General Tips for IELTS Speaking
Choose a subject (in this case, your favourite website) or one you know well. Make notes for each point and try to talk about each one for about 20 seconds. Remember to have an introduction so try paraphrasing the question Don t forget to include a very quick summary or conclusion.
Student's IELTS strengths
The student does convey some good points and covers all the parts of the task. She tries to paraphrase the question as the introduction to her answer which is quite effective. She also has some good language such as section, exercise, contain and prepare . There are some examples of self-correction too. Her pronunciation is quite clear.
Student's IELTS weaknesses
She covers the main points too quickly and this is why her presentation is too short (1min 10secs). Therefore, she would be asked to speak more. As a result, she has trouble talking at length about the last part. There are examples of pausing while she searches for language and ideas. She has limited grammar and makes simple errors, even when trying to use the simple past.
What specific things will improve her IELTS Speaking?
She has to practise planning by making quick notes. All she needs is to write a few key words for each point and try to speak about them for about 20 seconds each. Then if she adds on an introduction and summary/conclusion that is 2 minutes. She should revise and practise using simple tenses then more complex ones. She needs more language so she can express herself better Linkers and discourse markers would help her to develop her speech better and create more complex structures.
How can she improve her IELTS Speaking overall?
Practise planning, talking and timing herself. She can speak with a clock so she gets used to talking for 2 minutes but also to work on getting halfway at 1 minute and finishing the last point at 1:45/50. She needs to make an effort to learn more topic-related language about the common topics in the speaking test like the internet. She ought to think which tenses she can use and practise combining different ones such as the past simple, perfect and continuous. She can practise speaking and writing longer sentences using linkers and discourse markers. She should start off with basic ones like and but and or but then use more advanced ones.
IELTS Band Score
The student would have scored a speaking IELTS Band score of 4 or 4+ for this 2nd section. But, improving your IELTS Band score is possible with hard work. This IELTS student did this demo IELTS test in her first week of her course with us here at SGI in London. The good news is that 3 months later, now she gets IELTS band scores of 6 for IELTS sample tests! Look out for part 3 soon & click here to listen to part 1 of this IELTS Speaking test.