Word of the day: Amazeballs

Word of the Day Amazeballs (adjective)(Slang) - better than amazing / an expression of enthusiastic approval Example: OMG, have you…

Word of the Day

Amazeballs (adjective)(Slang) - better than amazing / an expression of enthusiastic approval Example: OMG, have you seen Rhianna's new video? It's amazeballs, innit? NOTE: If you are 30 or over, you would sound stupid if you used this new word - it's a word used by young people!

Amazeballs has been making news this week because it has just been included in the Collins Online English Dictionary. Members of the public can write in and ask for a word or phrase to be put in the dictionary because it is in popular usage. Collins will then consider if the word is important enough for it to be included in their printed version. Watch this episode of "Would I lie to you?" from 19:24 to hear some comedians talking about 'amazeballs' [embedplusvideo height="300" width="430" standard="https://www.youtube.com/v/m5YR12v8bMA?fs=1&start=1164" vars="ytid=m5YR12v8bMA&width=430&height=300&start=1164&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=1177%7eAMAZEBALLS%7c1196%7eAMAZEBALLS+definition+coming+up!" id="ep1053" /] Check out our other blogs on British Slang... 1. Slang A - L 2. British Slang M - Z You may also like our Word of the Day series from the summer...

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