November 2014
Read the text about how to gets emails read. Phrases about emails are highlighted and explained at the bottom. Also, don t forget to do the quick quiz. Email has…
November 2014
Read the text about customer service. Phrases about customer service are highlighted and explained at the bottom. There are also 2 discussion questions to answer, so please leave your answers in…
November 2014
Read the text about banning management speak. Some management speak phrases are highlighted and explained below. Don t forget to answer the discussion questions that appear after the vocabulary glossary…
November 2014
Read the text about temporary work. Some phrases about temporary work are highlighted and explained below. Don t forget to answer the quiz and leave comments about the discussion questions.…
November 2014
Read the text about The Facebook IPO. Some phrases are highlighted and explained below. Don t forget to answer the quiz and leave comments about the discussion questions.Possibly the…
November 2014
Read the text about 6 figure jobs to practise your Business English. Some phrases about jobs are highlighted and explained below. Don t forget to answer the quiz and leave comments…
November 2014
Business English is very useful at the moment becuase everyone is talking about the global economic crisis. The words you need to know are in bold and then explained in…
November 2014
Familiarise yourself with Business English vocabulary related to taking time off work. Don t worry if you don t know all of the words, as there s a glossary below…
November 2014
Doing business abroad depends on knowing about local culture and customs - it can make or break a business deal. Despite operating in an interconnected 'global village', an awareness of…
November 2014
Business English common mistakes should be eliminated, so that... - you feel more confident about your English and your overall performance is better - your clients / customers / colleagues are impressed…