Everyone business person needs to have a business card. Why? Because you can give it to new people you meet and it shows them who you are, what you do…
Almost everything in the world today is run by computers, so it's a bit worrying when they go wrong! In this story of crazy computer errors in the banking world…
Burberry is a classic British brand but where do they make their clothes and why? Read the text and find out then check the phrases. They are about firing staff. …
May 2015
For people who don t like working in an office there is now another option. Read the text to see what it is. Check the definition at the bottom of…
May 2015
Several boxing idioms are highlighted and explained to help you in this article about the new Google Nexus 7 tablet. Read the text and tell us what you think. The tablet…
This text is all about the new iPhone5 and Apple maps. Both are in the news but for different reasons. Various bits of useful business vocabulary and phrases that are…
Another English test for you and here it's time to assess your Business English vocabulary knowledge.As with all our tests, you get your results immediately at the end of…
May 2015
Business English idioms are the focus here in our latest English test. Using idioms can really widen your Business English vocabulary and make you sound more like a native-speaker of…
Tax may have increased on many of our goods and services but do companies also have to pay more tax? Read the text and find out. You ll find useful…
May 2015
Test your grammar with our latest multiple choice quiz with immediate answers and results. This week we've got an Advanced Business English test for you to scrutinise your high-level grammar…